Your visit makes sense!
Vouchers will be available ONLINE on this website from 2.1.2025.
The exact time is deliberately not specified due to system throughput. Follow WEB and FB.

Voucher status overview
Remaining total:
0 z 20 000 000 CZK (0%)
Olomouc Region remains:
0 z 10 000 000 CZK (0%)
The Moravian-Silesian Region remains:
0 z 10 000 000 CZK (0%)
Voucher redemption overview
Number of voucher applications:
4672 vouchers
Number of vouchers used:
194 vouchers
Number of redeemed vouchers:
137 vouchers
Průměr nocí:
4.01 noci / voucher
Průměr osob:
3.47 osob / voucher